Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Villa Catalina and Our Nutrition Charla

The new mural

Judith working on her section of the mural

Prepping for the race!

The beginning

Craig being interviewed by John. He was the only gringo to participate!

Brittany, Wil and I at the race

Nutrition Charla

I love these chicas! Catherine, Bianca, Juanita, and Lacy

Melvin and I in Villa Catalina. Oh, and Rachel that cat, haha.

Alex, the sports and fitness intern, with a little girl in Villa Catalina.

This week has been tons of fun! I got to go back to Villa Catalina on Monday. It was the first time I'd been back since I was here two years ago, and it was really cool to see the town and Wilfredo's house and family and everything again. It's such a beautiful and thriving community now. Amigos has really done a great job there, and the people living there have made it there own, stepped up, and taken over most of the responsibility of keeping it up. We met the lady who is basically the president, the one who oversees the board. It was cool to know that they have a board of community members to keep it organized and growing and thriving.

We went to El Chonco after that to advertise for our nutrition charla. We invited maybe thirty or so moms to our charla (as many as we could in the few hours we had to walk around to houses in the community).

Our Tuesday charla was on nutrition, and it was pretty successful and definitely fun. We had about 7 or 8 moms and maybe 20 kids in attendance. We made food pyramid posters and let the kids and moms fill them in. Then we talked about the importance of each food group and prepared a salad for the moms and kids to try. The kids were loud and crazy, but kids and moms alike really got into the poster-making, and the salad went over well. At the very least, we provided a serving of veggies for these people, which is something rare in this community. It was a small thing, but it was fun and informative and made everyone smile. I can't wait to start planning the next one!

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