Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sick Days

The lifestyle of a missionary can be difficult because it's often busy and physically demanding. So when you're sick, everything sort of stops.
This was my experience this week. I started out the week with strangely swollen lymph nodes. My whole throat seemed swollen, and I was popping ibuprofen and tylenol as much as possible to combat the pain. I had an ultrasound to make sure it was nothing more than an infection, and thankfully, it wasn't. But that pretty much consumed my entire Monday because of the associated waiting. We went to the ultrasound place and had to come back later because they were so busy. Then we had to wait for about an hour and a half when we came back because the doctor was out to lunch and there were several patients ahead of me. So there goes Monday.

Tuesday, I struggle through a little charla on gardening. It actually played out as Sabrina and I planting carrot seeds in about 10 families' gardens in El Chonco. It was really neat to see the existing gardens that people in El Chonco had - pretty much every house we went to had some sort of garden, and some of them were incredible! They grew all sorts of herbs, peppers, cucumbers, limes, and probably several other things that I can't remember. It was fun, and I was glad that Sabrina was willing to sort of take the reigns because I still felt miserable. But I stuck out a whole day in El Chonco and had a great time digging and chatting with the group in the afternoon. We had a stellar group this week, and though I got to talk to most of them, I wish I had had time to get to know each and every person. They never complained, worked harder than any group I had ever seen, and had great hearts for the Lord and for the work we're doing here in Nicaragua.

Wednesday was rough. It was a definite sick day, and I didn't want to talk to anyone. But on Thursday, I switched to a new antibiotic, and by yesterday, I was feeling way better. I'm almost back to 100%, and it's just in time for vacation week! Tomorrow, we're heading to the beach for four nights and then Grenada for one night. I can't wait to have a fun, restful week with all of the awesome staff and interns :)

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