Friday, June 3, 2011

Bike race!

One of the most enjoyable events we've had since I've been here happened on Wednesday - the bike program kick-off! Amigos hosted a huge bike race for the people participating in their new bike program. The program allows people in rural communities who have no means of transportation to rent bikes for a very small amount (like $2 a month, I think). This allows them to get to work, healthcare facilities, etc. much more quickly. It's life-changing for them, and it was awesome to see so many people come out to celebrate the new program!

The course was a 7 kilometer loop, and participants had to bike the loop twice. The winner received $150, which is a LOT for a poor Nicaraguan. Second prize was $100, and third prize was $50. It was funny to see Nicaraguans participating in an organized race. I sort of wondered if any of them had ever seen a race like that before. Instead of finishing the race, nearly everyone dropped out once they figured out they weren't going to come in first, second, or third place. One of the "gringos," Craig, jumped in and biked behind the Nicaraguans. We were all really impressed with him - the course was treacherous, winding through rivers, boulders, and all sorts of other obstacles. But he finished like a champ!

There was lots of celebrating surrounding the bike race. The kids enjoyed piñatas, crafts, and face-painting while the rest of the crowd ate, watched the race, and cheered on participants. It was tons of fun.

Another exciting event of the week was the start of a huge mural at new property that Amigos for Christ has slowly been moving to. Five artists from Tannery Artist Colony are here this week to paint a sixty-square-foot mural on the outside wall of the new warehouse. It depicts all of the ways that Amigos is working in Nicaragua, and it is breathtaking so far. I can't wait to see it when it is all finished in a couple of days.

Pictures of the bike race and of the progress on the mural to come!

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